Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Links: What impeachment vote means; TwinsthenewTrend; remembering Msgr. Albacete

Links: What impeachment vote means; TwinsthenewTrend; remembering Msgr. Albacete 

Trump is the symptom of a nation divided by abortion when one side believes it can be banned or that protecting the babies justifies deadly force while the other claims that this view is sexist. That many on the right consider any economic solution as socialism (if it is, make the most of it) shows the women are correct.

The impeachment should have been withdrawn and replaced with a joint resolution to allow Trump to hold federal office. Since that resolution takes 2/3rds of both chambers to pass and only a majority required to defeat a point of order against it, it would be an easy win. The entire Trump family could be blocked the same way.

Prices may not go up at all. Low wage workers spend the additional money on rent and consumer goods. A double win.

Corruption is probably funding the forces perpetuating the status quo in PR.

Student loan capitalized interest should be forgiven and such interest paid to date should be applied to principle. No refund should be issued, however, so that no appropriation will be needed. Student loan borrowing was generalized to make the Obamacare baseline work. This is unjust as well.

Canada's provinces could join if they desire. They don't. The War of 1812, however, was all about annexing Canada.

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