Thursday, December 17, 2020

Links: 'Deep state' heroes, Trump still whining, identity politics

Links: 'Deep state' heroes, Trump still whining, identity politics 

Government is where science meets order. Of course, the person who developed the model for that vaccine was considered an outcast, not a member of the team. She is profiled on CNN today. Government science missed the whole "seasonal allergies" vehicle for spread. Solidarity as an organizational form is different, not better or worse,depending on people unwilling to go with the flow.

Trump believes in solidarity, as long as it is around him. He is correct about the fact that he has become the movement. Thanks to the Never-Trumpers, he will soon be out of our hair.

Black identity and Catholic identity are a matter of perspective, although Catholic identity does not really exist anymore. There is no distinctly Catholic vote. Our success in assimilation ends our group cohesion. White working class identification is as strong as any other - all it takes is a sense of grievance. Until the grievance is aimed at Capital, it will win. Being rich is an identity all its own.

It used to be that the Bishops were the masters of Catholic identity. Gratefully, those days are over. Especially for Burke and Chaput.

Sometimes Gov. Granholm be a bit too partisan. It will be interesting to see how she fits in her new role.

The GOP is not broken, only bruised. It will heal when it becomes clear that what is reported about him is not "Fake News." The line will then be "Donald, who?"  for all but the crazy few.

Burke is one of the crazy few. I wonder what he really thinks of Pope Emeritus Benedict's economics? It is not so different that what Bernie Sanders advocates. Both are essentially social democrats. Materialism gets a bad rap. It simply means that faith is a community thing, not an object of science. The Church, on the other hand, is correctly examined using the tools of social theory.

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