Monday, November 23, 2020

The GOP's future? Ditch Trump and read Edmund Burke

The GOP's future? Ditch Trump and read Edmund Burke 

Burke reacted rather than proposing, which is the essence of conservatism. According to Corey Robin, without a vigorous liberal agenda, conservatism flounders. The kids at Millennial should review his book, The Reactionary Mind.  

Trumpism was an ugly rejection of Obama, largely because of his color. That was what motivated Trump and he gave permission to let 1000 crosses burn (figuratively). The future of the Democrats in Kamala Harris. I can almost smell the ugly sweat developing in GOP ranks. Her agenda is the most Catholic. She and Biden will do a lot for the working class, especially parents. Hard core conservatives view such an agenda as subsidizing sexuality and advancing socialism, regardless of Catholic social teaching.

Trumpism, in contrast, showed how poor workers need a savior. They thought a member of the upper class was going to help them, rather than exploit them. If a real billionaire had run GOP, they would have embraced him. The lesson of Trump is that CEOs are in the game for themselves, not their workers or society. It is not in the nature of the conservative working class to embrace that lesson and reject capitalism. It would violate their core belief in economic liberty. They will reject Trump, however. He is about to lose his shirt and his children are as dumb as he is. We will not hear from them again. 

The Church is in more danger than the Republican Party. Until it accepts a synthesis of Aquinas and Rousseau, giving humanism a try, it will be locked in an asexual misogyny that has no place in Christianity. The promise of Christ is not that the world will adapt to the Church, but that the Church will survive by adapting to the world. Dignitatis Humanae was about accepting religious diversity, which Francis has embraced. The John Paul American bishops mistake religious power for religious liberty. Their day will soon be done.

1 comment:

  1. The best way to save the party is for Tom Steyer to run GOP next time. That would push them to the left.
