Thursday, August 20, 2020

Women take center stage on third day of Democratic convention

Women take center stage on third day of Democratic convention 

It may have been natural for Maddow to give the news, I am sure that the DNC wanted it to be the night of the women. The Obama speech was one of the best he has given, but the intro to Mamala was what moved the heart. People needed to know her, especially the Obama voters who did not turn out for Hillary (whose I told you so moment was classic). Tonight is the agenda speech, which is the campaign version of the State of the Union (but with less of a laundry list). We will know how the convention turns out when we see whether there are lines for early voting. I suspect that on election night, there will be no doubt on who wins, but we still will not get results in until after California polls close.

1 comment:

  1. I doubt Biden will give a shout out to JFK for his Catholicism. Today, Jack would be considered a DINO because of how he cut taxes on the rich, which started class wars which Trump was the natural extension of, although Reagan cut the most. Andrew Cuomo is a DINO too.
