Thursday, December 5, 2019

Links for 12/5/19

Links for 12/5/19
If Pence is the GOP nominee, abortion will be huge - even as June v. Gee may be the last Supreme Court case on abortion ever. If the Democratic nominee points that out rather than arguing that abortion is a women's rights issue (rights for federal review, not being prosecuted like others who order contract killings and privacy rights not to be investigated for having a D&C), which it actually is - or the right of Catholic Democrats to insist on Dignitatis Humanae in supporting not having a Catholic abortion policy (over and above an economic one to fund families adequately).

Pompeo became a person of interest once his own staff put him at the center of the investigation. Nunes and Mulvaney too. Giuliani is not the President's lawyer - he is the President's handler. Pass it on.

Europe is concerned about our economy because when we go down, they can go down harder. Their fiscal policy is by treaty rather than federated. As the Confederates of the Continental Congress how that worked out. Also, our capitalist owners are also their capitalist owners. Crypto Currency is as popular in Europe as in the U.S. When if falls, we all all go down. Whether the ECB is funding the private equity raid on rental housing bought for pennies (and heavily leveraged) post-2008 will determine how bad the next Depression is on them.

Mayor Mike shows why Mayor Pete should not run either. If he is not smart enough to know that he takes votes away from Biden, he deserves to lose (unless Joe drops out soon). Personally, the smart bet for anyone but Warren is to hope Pence becomes President and wins so that the upcoming Depression is on his watch. Warren is the only candidate with the tools and talent to get us out quickly (by raising taxes on the wealthy and giving more money to everyone else).

Pence has the most to answer for in 2020 (assuming he is not forced out - in which case having Pelosi or Biden as Presumptive President is good for GOP voting). He did not pursue the 25th Amendment, which should have been the obvious play when Comey was fired over Trump corruption and psychopathy.

The opponents of Francis remember the glory (or is it gory) days of 1950's Catholicism. Note to Cardinal Burke - Bing Crosby was acting.

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