Friday, November 16, 2018

Links for 11/16/18 MGB:
When Vigano' was appointed as Nuncio, I thought he would fire the offenders who did not implement the Dallas protocols, largely because of his work cleaning up Vatican finance. He went the other way and jumped into the political web of Chaput and others. I am glad he was removed. As for his family troubles, it is none of our concern.

Paul VI was probably not gay. Instead, he was probably asexual. Ottaviani surely was, given his eagerness to tell the rest of us how to have sex while recoiling from it himself.

With margins this thin in Congress, the pro-life Democrats have outlived their usefulness as the useful idiots of the pro-life movement (sorry Michael Sean), since the movement is about Republican politics and certainly not the seamless garment, which would demand a family wage level Child Tax Credit. This is a bridge way to far for the Republicans in the movement.

The Mueller Report will kill the Republican chances for 2020, even if they dump Trump. Pence is about as attractive for POTUS in his own right as the bucket of warm spit his current post is worth. At least people liked Gerry Ford. Expect a repeat of 1974 and 1976. Auditions are now open for the Jimmy Carter role.

Melinda is only scratching the surface. I disagree with her decision to leave. I prefer to stay and fight. Sadly she is beating a dead horse. The current scandal has no new information, although the demand for more public records is not new, but newish. There are better reasons to leave the Church. Her article is not the 95 Thesis of Luther. Start with the hidden asexuality in Catholic sexual teaching and how it prevents the ordination of married, out and proud gay and female priests (and combinations of the above). We need a married lesbian as the American Matriarch installed in a Latin Mass. A demand for anything less is about the same bucket of warm spit that Pence is.

Temporary Protected Status is what immigrants who are currently working in slavery at Tysons Food et al can get by proving they were trafficked. Sex workers have the same right. That Trump would favor the employer side in both cases is no surprise.

New Ways does good work and the article is spot on. The LGBT side is not wrong nor are their grievances at the hands of the hierarchy not minor (and stem from the hidden asexuality mentioned above). Sadly, without funding, no one seems to listen to my argument outside of a few of my fellow commentators on the NCR Facebook page.

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