Thursday, August 9, 2018

Links for 8/9/18
MGB: The question on Sodano is whose jail? It also shows that the Holy See is culpable in the crisis and should therefore be financially reponsible. All those pictures that depict the Holy Family as caucasion could be sold to start the bidding.

Sanders candidates are Democratic Socialists. It is the mainstream that is for EMILYS list. While DSA candidates are certainly pro-choice, so are the rest. No one who believes doctors should be sanctioned for performing an abortion will ever win a Democratic primary, and probably not a Republican in the general election.

Going after big MO was a bridge to far for the anti-labor crowd. Hopefully the forces that pushed back can advance the other way.

After Sunday's Klan rally in DC, unless Trump keeps his mouth shut, they will resign again.

It is a political battle, probably next year, but what people are missing is the money laundering and bribery that even the crassest Republican Senator cannot ignore.  If  Trump can hold off on resigning until January 21, Pence can run for two additional terms, assuming that being a ferret face is not a bar to election.

We knew Abbott was an idiot and his staff reflected his level of competency (you can't be smarter than your boss. When I wrote speeches for Marion Barry, we would check each other's facts. Barry would catch me more than I would catch him. As for old Winnie, he was raised a colonialist and probably died that way. It came with the job. The length and breadth of that empire helped win that little war as well.

The New Yorker also sells calendars.

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