Friday, May 25, 2018

US bishops are complicit in our political train wreck
MGB:_Let us first note on the foster care press release that Catholic Adoption services are a more polite form of kidnapping. Women with opioid problems should not forever lose thier children. The Catholic system is just a bit too willing to furnish families with infertility with babies to keep rather than referring them for treatment.

The state laws will not stand, by the way. The staff at USCCB needs to really take a class in federal jurisprudence regarding the supremacy of the federal law in due process and equal protection. It is a fight the reactionaries will never win on either gay adoptive parents or abortion. As for the Trump initiatives on Title X, they won’t survive regulatory review or the direct prohibitions on such regulations that will be enacted by the next Congress.

The memos are just diagnostic tools for the real problem, the affiliation of some bishops with the Republican Party. In 2016, Hillary gave the wrong answer to a partial birth abortion question. Instead of defending the practice, she should have cited the law and the rarity of the procedure in the third trimester and further gone on to accuse the pro-life movement of being a Republican pawn. Instead, she fell into their trap and the bishops were ready with letters condemning her on this non-issue, doing more than Putin or Black Lives Matter to give us this President. For that, they should be ashamed. They should hope for impeachment very soon. If they associate themselves even with the Republican Congress during the midterms, the Churches may be very empty from election day through Advent.

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