Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The most divisive president in US history champions unity in State of the Union address. What?
MGB:_Fascists like to take credit for a sunny day, which explains most of the speech, which was likely written by Hope Hicks under the guidance of the Chief of Staff, with Trump allegedly throwing in catch phrases. It then got dark. Fascists like dark too because they can blame the dark on others, especially if they can find ”the other.” Trump cannot think supplely enough to know that immigration is a fight within the GOP between businesmen who want the labor honestly, businessmen who want undocumented labor they can exploit and his fellow fascists who like to have an enemy to hate. The Democrats just pick up the pieces whenever they can get the votes.

I thank MSW and the media for summarizing a speech I did not watch and compliment those members of Congress who boycotted. They have reason too. Not only is this President a fascist, but he is an international criminal with overwhelming evidence against him, which Trump of course did not mention but will be the main topic of the Union over the next year. The only question is will they remove him this year or wait for a change of party next year, and if so, will there be enough votes in the Senate to remove Pence too and make either Pelosi, Sanders or Clinton the next President (the House can pick a non-member as Speaker).

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