Monday, November 6, 2017

Trump threatens norms that make the Constitution work
MGB:_Luckily, the permanent government protects us from Trump going too far off the rails, constitutionally, although not making appointments at the Assistant Secretary level has hampered their ability to inform the White House about the facts of many issues. I suspect this is intentional. More disturbing were Trump’s comments about NFL players taking a knee. While it is not unconstitutional for the NFL to fire players for doing so, Trump, who is charged with protecting the consitution, should not be discouraging the spirit of free speech, especially when the state purpose of that particular kneel down was to protest him.

The purpose of the Electoral College was to guard against demogogues. It failed because it had no power base. For a long time, the political parties used the nomination function to make sure that only qualified people are nominated, usually people with both experience and legal or military training and a respect for constitutional values. That broke down last year and we elected somone who, like his voters, believes the propaganda on FoxNews, which is a bigger problem than Donald Trump, because the Constitution protects their right to lie to their viewers.

1 comment:

  1. His likely violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act are likely settled with a fine paid to the SEC. Likewise, the campaign irregularities are settled with a fine to the FEC. His ham-fisted attempts to make the investigation go away are likely deserving of censure rather than impeachment. He is simply not smart enough to do anything that could get him impeached. Whether he is senile or not or otherwise bipolar or a narcissist is up to his Naval physician to investiagate, as he is about due for a trip to Walter Reed for a physical. Of course, whether he has the good sense to cooperate with censure or resign if found to be disabled is up doubtful. He believes his own press and that is never a good thing.
