MGB:_O’Malley likely remembers persecution and is unwilling to stand with the persecutors, even when they claim victimhood. Still, the opportunity was lost to identify the victimizers as the capitalist class, which is likely paying the freight for the Nazis. Favorite Boston Sign: Losing Twice Wasn’t Enough? #1865 #1945
Newt is going to DoS Spouse School to learn to shut up. I pity his teachers.
As a Reds fan, I am glad the Vatican corrected its mistake, although some ecumenical sainthood may not be a bad thing.
The Senator from Arizona is overcoming is apt naming, although I suspect he has had a change in polling rather than a change of heart.
The bishops should confront racism more, but that should include confronting capitalism with its twin evils of oligopolistic pricing and oligopolistic wages. Anyone who claims a free market for either exists is either ill-informed or in the pocket of the capitalists. Interesting plug for Mr. Rogers out of Pittsburgh, but still nothing on capitalism. The protestors on both sides might even agree if the issue were framed in terms of ownership and control of the workplace. Of course, that may make the bishops nervous, since hierarchical capitalism copies Catholic Medievalism.
Sammons was not paying attention to the papacy of St. John Paul, who as a younger man was the chief Vatican II dissenter. That Vatican II is mentioned At all shows that Pope Francis is doing something right.
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