Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Links for 07/19/17

Links for 07/19/17: At Salt & Light, Fr. Tom Rosica, CSB, explains that the book "Building a Bridge: How tha Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion and S...

MGB: Gay rights is not just about being nice or nudging gays toward a celibate life in the priesthood, it needs to be updated to deal with the fact that gay men do not chose their sexuality, it is innate.  That being so, there is a right to use one's sexual gifts appropriately (although how that is in the hetro-world is changing as well - few wait for marriage).  Many Catholics, if not a majority, accept gay marriage as right and just and even sacramental.  It is time for the hierarchy to catch up.

The John Birch Society never went away and I have the racist e-mails from Birchers from 2008 to prove it.  If the Kochs fund it, its neo-Bircher, from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to the Tea Party (the most of the Knights).

Rural areas who don't quickly create a single-payer plan before something happens to Obamacare deserve the Republican governments that probably refuse to do so.

The question is who told Trump to put into his remarks of that day the fact that dirt was coming on Hillary?

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