Thursday, May 25, 2017

Can NATO survive Trump?

Can NATO survive Trump?: Distinctly Catholic: The NATO meetings are underway, and the Trump administration paved the way for less contentious time by releasing its budget blueprint ahead.

MGB:_The madnes of King Donald continues. Trump is a bafoon unqualified to be the ulitmate decisionmaker in NATO, which is the role of the POTUS by treaty. Perhaps a NATO renegotiation is necessary, one which has a single political supreme commander elected by all the members on a regional population based basis, with a legislaive council from each region and a unified income tax, debt and currency to fund the alliance. It can also have civil rights and environmental responsibilities. This would take funding away from the US and ultimately leadership responsibilities as well.

For now, we are stuck with Trump and a US military and tax cut regime that may not pass. If the drama around Trump’s sanity lasts too long, NATO members may urge Pence to declare him disabled or find a way to stop our hegemony over the alliance.

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