Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Links for 10/05/16

Links for 10/05/16: At the Christian Post, Eric Sapp makes a really lousy case that Hillary Clinton is the better candidate for pro-life voters. Of course, a concern for poverty is a large part of any effective pro-life ...

MGB: Fagothy's Right and Reason demonstrated that tax boycotts over war and abortion are not moral because the link between any taxpayer and the funding of any abortion is tenuous.  Hyde is not morally necessary - it is entirely a symbolic victory - especially since many states fund abortion with their own Medicaid funds.  It is time to disregard what is a non-issue.  Like Miss Universe - although the latter is instructive on Mr. Trump's (lack of) character.

On Voto Latino, is suspect that many Puerto Ricans can be trusted to register on their own.  They have much higher voting rates there and can teach us something about democracy.

Suicide is criminalized so police and break down the door if you try it.  That law was never meant to stop compassionate release.  Opposition to the law still has the stink of fear of God the Ogre.

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